I am currently enrolled in Noel Tyl’s Masters’ Class. The main thrust of Mr. Tyl’s philosophy is that people have psychological needs, and that astrology can illustrate how people can meet their needs. I have a need to express myself by stating how I feel about life and my relationship to it.
I've been trying to organize my life and my thoughts for some time. Several people have tried to encourage me to write, and I think that’s a good idea. Recently, I've been trying to rewrite the book I co-wrote with my first astrology teacher in 1975. The book offered some new and unique material, but it never sold very well. And I really needed to do something on my own. I have wanted to have a website, but the people I tried to hire to build one were never able to do so. I have had blogging suggested to me, but I really didn't know how to do it. Then when I tried to research the topic, I quickly created a blog before I knew what I was doing. I retrieved some essays from my notes, posted them, and here we are.
It was suggested to me that my willingness to attempt a blog seemed to relate to transit Uranus leaving Pisces and bearing down on the Aries point. That transit seems to correlate with the turmoil in Egypt , Tunisia and Libya . In the perspective of the world as a whole, I am an insignificant player, but on a personal level there is a lot more than just Uranus transiting the Aries point. I've been hoping that the Uranus transit would open the doors of employment for me. I've been dealing with age discrimination, enormous competition and many preconceived opinions about my skills and abilities. Insofar as Noel feels that the Node has much to do with job hunting and because my Node is 0:06 Aries, I'm deriving my hope from that. Natally, my Node is trine to Venus, the ruler of my 10th and 6th houses. When I started my blog, transiting Jupiter and Pluto were @ 7 Aries and Capricorn, respectively making powerful aspects to my natal Uranus at 7:57 Cancer. Natally, my Jupiter is very important, as it rules my ascendant and makes a bucket handle. At the inception of the blog, transit Mars was closely conjunct that Jupiter.
The inception data for this blog is February 26, 2011 @ PST in Vista (Salem ), Oregon with an ascendant of 10:46 Libra. The synastric connections between by new blog and my natal chart are thought-provoking. Two of the three planets in my water grand trine were activated. A top local psychic has told me repeatedly that I need to write and must do so. So blogging appeared to be the most efficacious way to get my innermost feelings out to the public.
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