Lois Rodden was a friend
of mine (pen-pal variety, as we never met in person). She used
Placidus houses for years and years until she knuckled under to the
pressure by her local students in the Los Angeles-San Bernardino area
of Southern California and switched to Koch. I could live with that
because I could reverse-engineer the charts she supplied to create
Placidus houses. Then the late Jayj Jacobs talked her into using
equal houses, which was not acceptible to me. Many British users of
equal houses add the MC as a point in a chart, but Jayj, following
the lead of his father, Moby Dick, was in total disdain of the MC.
An equal house chart, without a Midheaven, is very, very difficult to
It was later demonstrated
that Lois' 6th and final bout with cancer left her so full of
medication that some of her later decisions were rather questionably
too Neptunian.
Lois was born in Lang,
Saskatchewan, Canada. In March, 2008, I took a weekend trip to
Regina while I was living and working in North Dakota. I drove
through Lang on both the trip up and the trip back.
Don Borkowski
(503) 843-9277
Don Borkowski
(503) 843-9277
The true node is an indicator of destiny. I felt the transit mean node as it passed over my natal Venus... It felt like an immense magnetic ball rolling over my head from north to south.... On January 21 ..sometime around 6am... The mean node passes over your natal mars.... Do me a favor and sit on ground floor or basement and meditate and see if you sense it's traverse... Not sure if you will... I am libra sun, libra asc so Venus rules me.